Friday: Closed
The department of OB-GYN in Iranian Hospital offers a full-range of services for woman of all ages and stages of life.
Iranian Hospital has a wide variety of obstetrics/gynecology services in the following parts.
- Clinics
- Surgical ward
- Labor room
- General and high risk obstetrics
- OB sono
- Routine Prenatal Checkup
- NST clinic
- Breast feeding clinic
- Prenatal Education Classes
General gynecology services including:
- Pap smear
- Breast exam
- Pelvis exam
- Pelvis sono
- Vaginal sono
- Family planning
- IUD insertion and removal facilities
- STD treatment
- Colposcopy
- Cryotherapy for cervicitis,CIN management , treatment of preinvasive lesions of the cervix
Labor room:
Physicians are resident, 24 hrs in hospital and nursing staff&midwives are resident and available for booked and unbooked cases.
The labor room is a well-equipped obstetric unit with advanced fetal monitoring, gas-delivering system for pain relief during labor,painless deliveries after visting by anesthesiologists, well trained nursing staff at pre and postpartum suits, and postneonatal resuscitation facilities.
Surgical ward:
All of our doctors and nursing staff in OB-GYN department are female to provide the comforts of a friendly situation for all patients.
Iranian Hospital concerns with the comforts and happiness of patients, so you can choose one of 3 types room (general, private, VIP) during Hospitalization.
The department also provides the best management for all gynecological disease.
Some surgeries that is doing on daily basis in need in this department:
Infertility clinic:
Infertility clinic offer all paraclinical evaluation as hormonal assessment, semen analysis, hystrosalpingography, laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Also, many of treatment options are available like, ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (IUI), which perform where indicated.
- Cesarean section
- Cervical cercelage
- Dilation and curettage for incomplete abortions ,missed abortions
- Suction curettage of molar pregnancy
- Post partum hemorrhage management
- Cesarean Hysterectomy
- Medical and Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancies
Gynecologic Surgeries:
- Hysterectomy: Total, subtotal,radical(laparoscopy,laparotomy) after DHA permission process.
- Tubal ligation (after DHA permission process)
- Tubo ovarian abcess treatment
- Ovaeina cyst surgeries(dermoid,hemorrhagic,simple,multiloculated)by laparoscopy or laparotomy.
- Tubal reconstruction surgeries
- Myomectomy(laparoscopic,laparotomy)
- Endometrial polys ,myomas
- Endometrial ablation
- Hysteroscopy(diagnostic&therapeutic) /Depends to availability of professors
- Septoplasty(hysteroscopic) /Depends to availability of professors
- Pelvic relaxation surgeries:Anterior posterior repair and perineorrhaphy
- Vulvar lesion biopsy ,removal.
- Genital wart treatment.
- Cervicitis treatment
- Cervical biopsy