We are honored by your choosing to be treated in our hospital. In order to make your experience with us as comfortable as possible we have drawn a list of privileges for you and your family. If, for any reason, you have difficulties in understanding them, please contact Customer Service for any help including providing an interpreter (if any).
- Receive impartial care respecting your personal values and beliefs from all staff without is crimination, according to Iranian Hospital‐Dubai Rules and Regulations.
- Receive a comprehensive medical care aiming to reach proper medical diagnosis and treatment of your illness and injury.
- Receive an immediate care in emergency cases or whenever needed with no delay.
- Know the identity (name and specialty) of the physician responsible for your care.
- Receive from the healthcare team in a simple understandable manner a comprehensive information about your diagnosis, proposed treatment, any changes in your health status and causes of such changes, alternative treatments, probabilities of treatment success or failure, therapy advantages and disadvantages (if any), possible problems related to treatment and expected results of ignoring the treatment.*
- Have an interpreter (upon availability) if the language presents a barrier to understand the details of your comprehensive medical care.
- Give your written Consent for admission, treatment, surgical procedures, any anesthesia, transfusion of blood and blood products, and any other invasive procedure at Iranian Hospital‐Dubai after your doctor has given you all the information you may need.
- Iranian Hospital‐Dubai encourages patients, parents or legal guardians to the extend they wish, to participate in planning and implementing the treatment along with their treating team, nurses and physicians.
- Receive upon discharge the therapeutic plan and instructions for care of your health.
- If you are asked to participate to a medical scientific or educational activity, you have the right to give a written consent or refusal. Furthermore, you have the right to end your participation at any time for any reason without affecting the quality of the medical services provided to you.
- Choose your treating team (depending on availability), in addition to reject them upon a genuine reason.
- Receive a complete explanation of causes requiring your transfer to another healthcare center – should need arises – consequent obligations (financial and administrative, if any) and alternatives. The hospital management will make all the necessary arrangements to obtain the alternate medical center approval to receive you before starting the transferring process.
- Obtain upon your request a medical report and a copy of medical test results from Medical Records Section for which the hospital will charge you according to Iranian Hospital‐Dubai Rules and Regulations.
- Enjoy privacy while carrying out all examinations, procedures, and treatment at the hospital, and maintain confidentiality of all your information. Your medical information will not be revealed to anyone without your written consent or a request from a legal authority.
- Receive upon request a detailed bill explaining all the charges at any time of the treatment stage regardless if they were asked by you or your family.
- Place your complaints, suggestions and comments on our services at the Customer Service Office. In this way you help us serve you better.
We are honored by your choosing to be treated in our hospital. In order to make your experience with us as comfortable as possible we have drawn a list of responsibilities for you and your family.
- Honor the Islamic moral principles and the core values of Iranian Hospital‐Dubai.
- Show consideration to others and deal with the staff and the other patients with respect.
- Respect the hospital rules and regulations in terms of the visiting hours, food instructions and the like.
- Respect the priority given to emergency cases.
- Smoking in the hospital perimeter is prohibited by law.
- Avoid bringing valuable belongings in the hospital. The hospital is not held responsible for their loss or damage.
- Comply with the hospital’s safety regulations.
- Ensure that you are aware of all the financial dues for Iranian Hospital‐Dubai and that you are able to honor them promptly (if any).
- Provide complete and accurate information about present complaints, past illnesses, previous.
- hospitalizations and treatment, any drug allergy, etc.
- Follow the instructions regarding your treatment plan given by your treating team, both during your presence in the hospital and after you go back home.
- All your financial dues are to be solved by cashier and discharge department.
- Show consideration while using the facilities of Iranian hospital‐Dubai and denounce any unruly conduct or misuse of hospital’s assets.
- Healthy children below 6 years old are not allowed to visit the patients in the hospital due to infection risk.
- Choose your over night companion according to the rules of the respective ward.
- Before consuming home‐made food ask your nurse or doctor if there are no contraindications.