National Physicians' Day
Our Successful National Physicians' Day event. Each year, the birth anniversary of Avicenna on August 23, is
commemorated as National Doctor’s Day by Iranian academic and scientific centers. Avicenna, also known as Ibn Sina, was a physician, astronomer, alchemist, chemist, logician, mathematician, metaphysician, philosopher, physicist, poet, scientist, theologian, and statesman. Avicenna was born around 980 AD in Afshana near Bukhara then a part of Iran and now part of Uzbekistan and died in 1037 AD in the city of Hamadan. Avicenna is regarded as the father of the modern medicine for introducing systematic experimentation and quantification into the study of physiology and contributing to the discovery of contagious diseases. He is also considered as the father of the fundamental concept of momentum in physics.