Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy, (Ovarian Cysts removal) Package
(Hospital Stay Length: 2 days)
The Package Includes:
Admission charges
(Pre-Anesthesia consultation, Obstetrics/Gynecologist surgeon specialist fee for the procedure, technician team & nursing fees, Laparoscopy operating room charges including medication necessary for the procedure and during admission fees, hemodynamic monitoring, & room charges, Laboratory tests & Radiology necessary for the procedure.
One day in the Surgical ward including Room, nursing, service charges, food charges for the patient.
Medications Medical Consumables:
Medication necessary for the procedure and during admission only & Routine Supplies
The Package Excludes:
- Charges for hospital stays in excess of those specified above.
- Additional charges for these days including room, services and pharmacy will be added to the package price.
- Charges for complex cases or other conditions which requiring emergency surgery (Adnexal, Cyst Torsion, Extra-uterine pregnancy).
- special supply if needed
- Outpatient fees and expenses incurred before & after admission;
- Non-invasive testing such as stress testing, Abdominal Ultrasonography, Trans-Virginal Ultrasound, MRI, etc. If rarely needed before surgery
- Take home medications and supplies.
- Patients with the following conditions are considered to be complex or high-risk cases and will not qualify for the package hence are individually calculated:
- Severe Uncontrolled chronic diseases (Previous Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Chronic kidney disease, Asthma, Diabetes, Severe peripheral vascular disease, Bleeding tendency, etc.)
- Presence of any infections (HIV, Hepatitis, etc,)
- Emergency Cases & Complex interventions which requires special attention
- Add-On Charges & Room upgrades are charged at the difference of the room rates.
For information on package price please:
Email: ghc@ihd.ae or
Call: +971 4 4046320 or
WhatsApp: +971 4 4046 734