Dr. Mehrnaz Ataeinaeini
ENT Specialist
Otolaryngology (ENT)
Dr. Mehrnaz Ataeinaeini can help you with ...
Voice Disorders
Thyroid Surgery
Neck mass Surgery
Lymph nodes Surgery
Face fracture Treatment
Tongue & adenoid & tonsils Surgery
Snoring Treatment
Nose deviation and nose deformity Treatment
Sinusitis and polyps Treatment
Mouth lesion and mass Treatment
Ear infection Treatment both external and middle ears
Hearing loss Treatment
Ear Deformity
Dr. Mehrnaz Ataei Naeini has several years of experience to provide the high quality procedures:
✔ Lateral rhinotomy, fronto-ethmoidectomy, new rhinoplasty, and trans nasal hypophysectomy & repair CSF leakage successfully performed, approx. 600 FESS operations since 2004, cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty regularly performed
Head & Neck Surgery:
✔ Diagnostic procedures including laryngoscopy, pharyngo-oesophagoscopy, biopsies, fine needle aspirations previously performed, small volume procedures, patients requiring cancer treatment are referred to multidisciplinary teams, parotidectomy, submandibular gland, thyroidectomy, branchial cyst, thyroglossal cyst excisions
Facial Plastic Surgery: internal and external rhinoplasty techniques
✔ Functional rhinoplasty, purely cosmetic rhinoplasty, pinnaplasty (no longer performed), otoplasty
Endoscopy: Skilled use of rigid and fibreoptic endoscopes
✔ Microlaryngoscopy including vocal cord augmentation injection previously performed with good results, now referred to colleagues due to small volumes and sub-specialization, functional endoscopic sinus surgery regularly performed.
European Rhinoplasty society
✔ Lateral rhinotomy, fronto-ethmoidectomy, new rhinoplasty, and trans nasal hypophysectomy & repair CSF leakage successfully performed, approx. 600 FESS operations since 2004, cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty regularly performed
Head & Neck Surgery:
✔ Diagnostic procedures including laryngoscopy, pharyngo-oesophagoscopy, biopsies, fine needle aspirations previously performed, small volume procedures, patients requiring cancer treatment are referred to multidisciplinary teams, parotidectomy, submandibular gland, thyroidectomy, branchial cyst, thyroglossal cyst excisions
Facial Plastic Surgery: internal and external rhinoplasty techniques
✔ Functional rhinoplasty, purely cosmetic rhinoplasty, pinnaplasty (no longer performed), otoplasty
Endoscopy: Skilled use of rigid and fibreoptic endoscopes
✔ Microlaryngoscopy including vocal cord augmentation injection previously performed with good results, now referred to colleagues due to small volumes and sub-specialization, functional endoscopic sinus surgery regularly performed.
European Rhinoplasty society
2019 - 2019
Surgical Institute, Sharjah
Transoral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Vestibular Approach (Toetva) Hands On Cadaveric Workshop
2000 - 2004
Isfahan University, Isfahan
1992 - 1999
School Of Medicine, Isfahan
2006 - 2012
Esfahan Dr Gharazy Specialized Hospital,
Specialist Otolaryngology
2014 -
Iranian Hospital Dubai,
Specialist Otolaryngology